The strategy «managed chaos» in the military theory of the post-modern age: informational component


  • R. V. Hula I. Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University


The urgency of the topic is determined by the nature of the dramatic changes in the development of military theory and practice of the postmodern age. Complex use of hybrid, network-centric, pre-emptive types of wars has made adjustments to the principles of using troops in modern warfare. Modern war is based on a postmodern paradigm. It includes the main new probable objects - code, matrix, chaos, and virus. Formation of political chaos in the country and state, change in the collective and individual consciousness of human and society are the main goals of the wars of the postmodern age. The postmodern paradigm forms new concepts of war – hybrid, informational, network-centric, proxy, distant and «strategic communications».

Біографія автора

R. V. Hula , I. Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University

Doctor of Historical Sciences (Dr. Hab. in Histori), Professor, Professor of Department of Philosophy


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Як цитувати

Hula , R.V. 2021. The strategy «managed chaos» in the military theory of the post-modern age: informational component. Інформація та соціум. (Груд 2021), 86-87.



Секція 5 Сучасні підходи до застосування інформаційних технологій в освіті у період COVID-карантину